


The Taoist story from the Chinese mythology tells a tale of the peach as the magical tree of life that bears fruit every three thousand years. Whoever eats the fruit, becomes immortal. In China, peach is a symbol of the queen mother, who brings in her fruit the elixir of life.

Peaches and objects, adorned with this delicious fruit or its motifs, were deeply valued as gifts. Travellers brough it in their caravans from China first to Persia and exported it to Greece around 400 years b. c. It was named by Theophrastus, a botanist, and a pupil of Aristotle, who believed it originated from Persia and first named it Persikon malon, meaning “the Persian apple”, which eventually became “pesca” and then “peach”.

Old Egyptians offered it to the god of silence and the Romans spoke of it in connection to Venus. They believed that it is an aphrodisiac with magical properties.

Kernels, bark, and leaves contain low concentrations of cyanide, which is considered a therapeutic ingredient in curing cancer (tumours). It is one of the most potent herbs that stimulate circulation and is very useful in stimulating menstrual cycles, and on the other hand, soothing bladder infections and other urinary system difficulties. It is also a mild diuretic. It helps stimulate cough, while offering a soothing effect to the lungs, nose and larynx, chest pains and cramps.

The bark and root extracts also contain phloretin, which is an antibiotic. The North American Indian tribes used them to heal skin infections by putting boiled peach and grape compressions onto the wound several times a day, until it healed.

Peaches are rich in vitamin A (excellent in the battle against ageing), vitamin B, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, fibre, potassium, and a small amount of zinc. Beta carotene helps build a strong immune system that prevents injuries caused by free radicals and other skin diseases. In addition, they are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (including linoleic and oleic acids), which help maintain the skin hydrated and flexible. They are an important source for antioxidants, which prevents skin’s ageing, its ingredients constrict the pores and successfully prevent acne to emerge, making the skin soft and flexible.

Another rich source of vitamins and minerals is peach kernel oil; its light texture making it suitable for dry, tired, infected, mature, and young skin, prone to clogged pores. It soothes itchiness caused by eczema, nourishes, and softens the skin, while it is also suitable to use on the sensitive skin around the eyes.