
Congested nos, cold, sneezing and the power of nature

A congested nose makes us feel bad, sleep poorly, breathe hard, sound funny when we are talking, use endless tissues and our food tasteless. Breathing air through yours nose is healthy. Breathing cold and dry air through our mouths can cause complications, such as infections of the larynx, trachea or even bronchi.

A shattered defence mechanism of the nasal mucosa increases the possibility of infections. Viruses, bacteria, and allergens can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose (nasal mucosa) or swelling (rhinitis). Mucus discharge is increased. The organism’s reaction to this kind of irritation is also sneezing.


The power of nature

When this happens, it is important to drink enough water as to ease the body’s attempt to detoxify and provide enough hydration for our nasal mucosa. Only the appropriately hydrated mucosa, not the dry one, filled with thick mucus, will hydrate and regenerate. Due to the salty nature of the nasal mucus, we should intake more salt for our body needs it with this kind of illness.

We should take into account that consumption of vegetable products could prevent the full development of the disease or the complications of it (sinusitis, larynx infection, bronchitis, eye and ear infections, and others). In any case, we will reduce at least the duration and the intensity of the symptoms.

To alleviate your breathing and feel better, apply some Etin Eucalyptus Ointment below your nose. The ointment is rich in essential oils of eucalyptus, fir tree, sage, juniper, thyme, tea plant, rosemary, pine tree and lemon balm.

When you have a cold, a congested nose or sneeze, apply the ointment on the skin of your chest and back (a small amount on your temples) and gently massage it in. This treatment will renew and hydrate the damaged and dried out nasal mucosa and help clear your congested nose. Increase the effect by placing warm compressions on these body parts. To achieve the best effect, dissolve a small scoop of Etin Eucalyptus Ointment in (not too) hot water and inhale it.

When we spend a lot of time in closed spaces, we can use home fragrances, such as Home Frangrance Fresh, with essential oils of peppermint, orange, lavender and lemon grass, that provide beneficial effects to our body and mind.

To help hydrate and regenerate the damaged and dried out skin, use the Regenerating cream or Shea butter. The cream soothes the irritated, red skin below and on the sides of nostrils, caused by frequently wiping your nose.





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