


Oats are a species of cereal; once wild grass, today, domesticated into a cultivated plant that carries an important role in nutrition, medicinal and cosmetic products. At first, this cereal was used to feed horses and other animals, later the nutritional use spread to human consumption, for its content of the avenin protein, which shows positive effects on the human organism.

Long ago oats were a part of traditional concoctions, made to heal rheumatism, depression, chronic nervous system diseases, to control the bladder function, cleanse and soften the skin.
The remains of the finds of ancient Egyptians and Arabs prove its several thousand-year use. 2000 years b. c., they used oat seeds to nourish their skin; ancient Greeks and Romans healed skin diseases with oat seed baths.

Oats are a rich source of protein, numerous important minerals, lipids, fibre, flavonoids, saponins, and others.

In the traditional medicine, oats were once used to prevent heart diseases and cancer, to strengthen the immune system and stabilize blood sugar levels. They proved very useful in healing rheumatism, soothing chronic neurological pains, digestive problems, weak bladder, liver and kidney diseases, and in cleansing pus-filled abscesses. They were also used to cure insomnia, stress or mental exhaustion, anxiety, and depression.

Interesting fact: Ayurvedic healers used it to heal opium addition. A report showed that 6 out of 10 opium addicts successfully recovered within 27 to 45 days of using this herb. Its healing abilities extend to healing tobacco addiction, and herbalists generally recommend it to heal exhaustion, raise energy levels, support the nervous system, control blood cholesterol level, ease cough and flu symptoms, prevent constipation, while regular consumption contributes to preventing intestinal cancer due to its content of dietary fibre.

Oat extract offers a soothing effect on the skin with its anti-inflammatory quality, soothing dry and irritated skin, eczema, psoriasis, measles, chickenpox, and sunburns. Polysaccharides in it form a protective foil on the skin, reducing dry skin and various symptoms, such as itchiness, rashes, peeling, and others. It stimulates healing of different wounds and shallow abrasions, improves collagen storage, and activates the immunity cells. It improves the skin’s tone and structure and smooths various blemishes.
It is very efficient in the fight against acne, owing to the fact that the natural cleaners, called saponins, remove dead skin cells, impurities and oil from the pores without irritation, reduce pores and make the skin soft and silky.
It functions as a natural hydration agent, removing dead skin cells; beta-glucan seeps deep into the skin and ensures deep hydration.
The proteins in the oat extract maintain the natural defence system, protecting the skin from chemicals, skin diseases and UV-rays by keeping it hydrated.

Oat extract, in combination with other ingredients, can be used for the scalp, where it removes excess oils and filth, restoring the hormonal balance. With high contents of zinc, iron, magnesium, and potassium, it is excellent in preventing hair loss and stimulating new hair growth.


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