


This magical spiky plant had its first victory lap in the thirties, when x-rays were first used as treatment against cancer. Patients received a too high amount of x-rays and suffered skin burns, which American doctors covered with aloe vera gel or its crashed leaves and observed the convincing results of the miracle cure.
With over 300 types of aloe vera in the world, the Barbadensis Miller is proven to be the most effective for the skin and human organism in general. Researcher and pharmacist, Bill C. Coates from Texas, managed to conserve the centre of aloe vera with a natural procedure, without losing its ingredients, in 1953 – a procedure which he patented and shared with others.
In 1981 manufacturers, processors and the leading industry in producing aloe vera started the “National Aloe Science Council” (N.A.S.c.), producing guidelines to make high quality products.


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